Monday, April 28, 2008

See, I told you, she did better. Now, Superman wasn't what I had in mind, but that's only because she hadn't met him yet. These things, as all relationships are, up to God. So far he's done his part, now it's up to Tim.

For those of you who dont know the story of how Katherine got a chance to meet him, here it is. Her best friend is Ashley Pruitt, Senate President Ken Pruitt's oldest daughter. Governor Crist felt that the Senate and House of Representatives should recognize Tim for earning the Heisman trophy, so he was invited to the capitol last Thurs. Ashley's family decided that it would be fun to travel up to the capitol on Wed. night and they invited Katherine to go with them, since they knew how much Timmy meant to her.

From what she said, it was pure mayhem in the capitol when word got around that Superman was in the building. In the midst of it all, she was still able to catch his eye and take this picture with him! Go Gators!

1 comment:

Shannon Johnson said...

I love it!!!! Scout is quite impressed as well. Katherine...who knows.....this could be that meeting that 'he' never forgets....that girl that totally made him think...who is she??? :) Very cool experience! I'm glad to see the pics! Keep them coming. Love ya'll.....