Monday, April 28, 2008

See, I told you, she did better. Now, Superman wasn't what I had in mind, but that's only because she hadn't met him yet. These things, as all relationships are, up to God. So far he's done his part, now it's up to Tim.

For those of you who dont know the story of how Katherine got a chance to meet him, here it is. Her best friend is Ashley Pruitt, Senate President Ken Pruitt's oldest daughter. Governor Crist felt that the Senate and House of Representatives should recognize Tim for earning the Heisman trophy, so he was invited to the capitol last Thurs. Ashley's family decided that it would be fun to travel up to the capitol on Wed. night and they invited Katherine to go with them, since they knew how much Timmy meant to her.

From what she said, it was pure mayhem in the capitol when word got around that Superman was in the building. In the midst of it all, she was still able to catch his eye and take this picture with him! Go Gators!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

This day had to come I knew it. So, now it's over. We don't know this young man, but he seems to be a nice young man. She can do better. This is Katherine Senior Prom. She had a great time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Our babygirl is graduating from High School this May. We can hardly believe it. Why, it seems like just last year or so that she was being born.
Everyone loves their children and thinks he or she are the best and rightfully so. But she really is and has been all of her life. She hasn't done anything but made us proud. As beautiful as she is on the outside , she is just that beautiful on the inside. We are certainly praying and have been from birth that she meets and marries a man that loves our Lord Jesus as much as she does and that's alot.

Hey Everyone!

This being our first Blog ,this is brand new for the Irby's. So bear with us. There are lots of things going on in our family this year, some great , some not so great. One thing for sure our God is great and ever so faithfull.